Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Black Men of America Future Leaders Scholarship PhD College

PhD College Each scholarship will allow prospective students the opportunity to complete an undergraduate or master's degree programs at University of Phoenix. Recipients can choose to attend the University of Phoenix campus on-land or to attend the University of Phoenix online.


PhD College Scholarship applicant must demonstrate the following should be considered:

PhD College Applicants who live in the United States must meet one of the following requirements: be a United States legal resident, has been granted permanent residency, have a valid visa that does not prohibit educational studies; has been granted temporary protected status along with approved Notice of Action issued by the Citizen Immigration Services and verified through CIS Form g-845, or has been granted asylum along with approved Notice of Action issued by Citizen Immigration Services.
Applicants must be affiliated with any 100 Black Men chapter or the headquarters.
Applicants must be a member or mentor of 100 Black Men.
Applicants, once enrolled, must not receive a total of 100% tuition reimbursement from any source(s) including but not limited to: corporate reimbursement, other scholarships and/or private grants with the exception of Veteran’s Administration GI benefits or Veteran’s Administration Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits and Title IV financial aid funding.
PhD College Applicants must not be currently enrolled nor in the process of enrolling at any University of Phoenix campus or in any online program at any time prior to the scholarship award date. Applicants who enroll after submitting an application or before the scholarship award date are not eligible to be a recipient of this scholarship.
Applicants must meet all admissions requirements of the University of Phoenix.
Applicants must not be an employee or family member of an employee of Apollo Group, Inc., University of Phoenix, Western International University, Institute for Professional Development or any other subsidiary of Apollo Group, Inc.
Applicants must submit a complete, signed application, together with all supporting documentation by the deadline date listed under the Selection Process section. The completion of the application form does not create an obligation to award a scholarship to applicant.
PhD College Applicants must submit completed essays as described in the Essay section. High importance will be placed on the applicant’s desire to advance in their education, with an emphasis on furthering their careers, and their impact in the community in which they reside.


This scholarship opportunity is in partnership with 100 Black Men of America, Inc., a non-profit organization and the scholarship process is managed by a staff member at 100 Black Men of America, Inc. The process includes, but is not limited to, application creation, application submission, selection committee formation and recipient list finalization. The application and any additional information submitted by eligible applicants will be subject to the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. privacy and confidentiality policies, if any.
The recipient of this scholarship will be selected by the scholarship selection committee consisting of representatives from University of Phoenix and/or 100 Black Men of America, Inc. Non-staff members may assist in the selection committee process.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit a complete and signed application along with all the supporting documentation, which must be received on or before the deadline date specified below. The scholarship selection committee accepts no responsibility for incomplete applications, applications not in proper form, lost applications, or any other submission in exception to the above instructions.
The scholarship award will be based on the committee’s scores of the overall quality of the application and the scholarship essay(s). The higher the average score, the higher the probability of selection.
Scholarship selection shall be made without regard to age, race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or disability.
The decision of the scholarship selection committee is final and not subject to a review process.


If you meet the eligibility criteria, please complete the scholarship application.
Option 1: Online Application (preferable)

Access the University of Phoenix 100 Black Men of America Future Leaders Scholarship online application.
Follow the instructions to complete the online application, including the essays.
Review your application before submitting.
Print a copy of the submitted application for your records.

Option 2: Paper Application

If you are under 21 years of age, or do not wish to complete the application electronically, you mustsubmit your paper application via mail.

Print a copy of the University of Phoenix 100 Black Men of America Future Leaders Scholarship application.
Complete the paper application, including all supporting documentation.
Your application and signed forms must be submitted via the mailing address on the application under submission instructions and must be received on or before the deadline date.

Important Dates

Deadline Date:
A complete application and supporting documentation must be received on or before May 15, 2011. Applications received after the designated deadline date will not be considered. No exceptions.

Award Date:
The scholarship committee will determine the recipients of the scholarship by the award date of June 9, 2011. You will be notified via email by award date regarding the status of the scholarship. You will receive a notification email regardless if you were selected as a recipient or not.

Please be advised that it is the applicant’s to submit a paper application, which must be received on or before the deadline date as set forth above. The scholarship committee accepts no responsibility for incomplete applications, applications not in proper form, lost applications, or any other submission. No exceptions.

The source of 100 Black Men of America Future Leaders Scholarship

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